Rnote is a vector-based application for sketching, handwritten notes, and annotating documents and images. Free and open source
Rnote is a vector-based application for sketching, handwritten notes, and annotating documents and images. Free and open source
Kramo Sly is an application for easy image editing. A free and open source program
ASCII Draw is an editor for drawing symbols: diagrams, tables, flowcharts and more. A free and open source program
Halftone is a simple lossy image compression application using the dithering technique. A free and open source program
Ipe is a drawing editor for creating shapes in PDF format. Free and open source
Letterpress – converting images into an image consisting of ASCII characters. A free and open source program
Xpano is a photo stitching tool focused on simplicity and ease of use. A free and open source program
Paleta – search for the dominant color palette in an image and manage palettes. A free and open source program
Upscayl is a program for upscale images using AI. A free and open source program
Upscaler – upscale and enhance images image. A free and open source program