Showtime – play movies and videos without distracting elements. A free and open source program
Showtime – play movies and videos without distracting elements. A free and open source program
Snoop is a program that allows you to search through the contents of files in a specific folder. A free and open source program
Unrud Scans to PDF – create small searchable PDF files from scanned documents. A free and open source program
Librum is a program for reading and organizing e-books. A free and open source program
Rnote is a vector-based application for sketching, handwritten notes, and annotating documents and images. Free and open source
Kramo Sly is an application for easy image editing. A free and open source program
Lively Weather – displays the weather forecast in real time with additional information. A free and open source program
Parley is a program for vocabulary training when learning a foreign language. A free and open source program
Clapgrep is a program for searching through all files, a free and open source program