
posted in: Office, Organizers, Software | 0
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Errands is an application for simple task list management. A free and open source program


  • Support for multiple lists;
  • Add, delete, and edit tasks and subtasks;
  • You can add to a task: a subtask, a note, an attachment, a you can add to a task: a subtask, a note, an attachment, a tag, set a priority, change the color, set the beginning and end (date and time) of the task, and you can also move it to the trash, copy it to the clipboard and export it in the format .ics;
  • You can mark tasks as completed;
  • Drag and drop support for tasks;
  • Importing .ics files;
  • Synchronize tasks with Nextcloud or other CalDAV providers;
  • Support for themes: system, dark and light;
  • Support for displaying notifications;
  • Working in the background: hide the application window instead of closing it;
  • Autostart.

Screenshots Software


The software Errands is available for installation on Linux.

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub io.github.mrvladus.List

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
Description version:46.2.3
Developer:Vlad Krupinskii
Programming language:Python
License:MIT License

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