
posted in: Games, Simulators | 0

YSoccer is a soccer game that will be a continuation of the fun and easy game series Sensible World of Soccer. A free and open source game


posted in: Games, Launchers | 0

XIVLauncher is a launcher and Linux integration for Final Fantasy XIV Online. A free and open source game


posted in: Games, Puzzle | 0

Warble is a word guessing game with multiple difficulty levels. A free and open source game


posted in: Software, System, Utilities | 0

Mousam is a program for viewing the weather for today, tomorrow and for the week. A free and open source program

Speech Note

posted in: Software, System, Utilities | 0

Speech Note is a program for transforming text to speech and speech to text, as well as translating into other languages. A free and open source program