Pong Yesser Studios

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Pong Yesser Studios is a table tennis game, a clone of Pong. A free and open source game


Pong Yesser Studios is a clone of the Pong game from game developer Atari

  • A ball moving in a circle;
  • Two rackets in the form of rectangles to prevent the ball from hitting your side of the screen, one for each player;
  • Play it with your keyboard or gamepad with a friend.

Screenshots Game


The game Pong Yesser Studios is available for installation on Linux, Windows and macOS.

Install Game via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub io.github.yesser_studios.Pong

Install Game via Microsoft Store on Windows

Install Game via .App package for macOS

Game Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:1.2.1
Developer:Yesser Studios
Programming language:C#
License:MIT License
Software website:github.com/yesser-studios/Pong

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