
posted in: Audio, Audio Converters, Multimedia, Software | 0
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FFaudioConverter – free and open source batch audio converter and effects processor


  • Supported formats: MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis, Opus, FLAC, WAV;
  • Multithreading support (use all the power of your CPU);
  • Batch processing;
  • It is possible to apply audio filters;
  • It is possible to choose the quality;
  • It is possible to change the sampling rate;
  • High quality resampling with SoX is possible;
  • There is a quick mode for copying files in the same format and skipping already converted files;
  • It is possible to select a folder/directory to save the converted files.

Screenshots Software


The software FFaudioConverter is available for installation on Linux and Windows.

Installation methodOS
FlatpakUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub com.github.Bleuzen.FFaudioConverter

Install Software via Portable on Windows

Just extract the zip file and run the .exe file in it

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Deutsch, French and Turkish
Description version:0.29.1
Developer:Elias Martin (Bleuzen)
Programming language:C++, Qt
License:GPL v3
Software website:github.com/Bleuzen/FFaudioConverter

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