In the left column, colors for sorting, tags and folders, and the trash;
In the middle of the column are: entries, search bar, button to create a record/group/ template, sort;
The right column contains data for the selected entry.
Keyweb can be used in two ways:
Web application, i.e. use via a browser (without the need for installation):;
Desktop app for your computer.
KeeWeb can work with password databases that are located:
Locally (i.e. on your computer’s hard drive);
On remote servers (storage) connected via WebDAV;
On cloud storage: Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive.
You can open several password databases (it appears as a folder with the name of the password database): view all items from all password databases in a single list, search works for all files, everything is done from one search box;
Support for changing the theme (you can connect additional ones by installing via the plugin);
Cloud sync. Open files from Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, or your own server, sync changes across devices automatically;
Support tags: add tags to organize your entries;
Drag and Drop Support: drag and drop attachments or password databases directly into the app;
You can mark an entry with a color to make it easier to find it in the “Colors ” tab”;
Protected fields. Fields can be hidden when you need it. Also they will be stored in memory in more secure way than usual fields;
Offline access. Files are saved for offline use, even those opened from Dropbox. You can always access offline version, changes will be synced automatically when you are online again;
Advanced search options. Refine search by specifying fields, searching passwords, history and using powerful regular expressions syntax;
History. All changes you make are put to history. You can rollback to any state or delete the state completely;
You can create record templates;
There is a password generator;
There is a built-in image viewer;
Plugin support;
Mobile browsers support. View details and copy passwords using mobile browsers;
There is a table view of entries;
You can change the font size;
You can enable/disable automatic saving and syncing when you close the software;
It is possible to configure the auto save and sync interval;
You can configure how long it takes to clear the clipboard;
You can customize auto-lock when not in use;
YubiKey support;
Support for creating backups with a choice of storage location (locally, Dropbox) and backup period: every time you save, daily, weekly, monthly, manually only;
Support for password databases in KDBX v3/v4 format;
Support for authentication by master password, file key, and YubiKey key;
Support for key derivation functions: AES, Argon2;
Import to XML, HTML;
Support for keyboard shortcuts.
name: A – > Z, Z –> A;
website: A – > Z, Z –> A;
username: A – > Z, Z –> A;
creation date: old –> new / new – > old;
modification date: old –> new / new – > old;
Basic entry functions:
user name;
web site;
setting the password expiration date;
select an icon (from the standard ones, download and use the site icon, select your own icon from the hard disk);