
posted in: Games, Puzzle | 0
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KFourInLine is a free and open source board game for two players in which players try to line up a row of four pieces


  • The goal of the game is for the player to build a row of four pieces using different strategies;
  • It is possible to play online, together (you can choose how each player will play: mouse or keyboard) or with a computer;
  • You can choose the difficulty level of the game with a computer player;
  • There is an option to change the design;
  • It is possible to choose the color of the first player walking;
  • It is possible to assign names to players;
  • There is an option to undo/redo the move, as well as use the hint;
  • It is possible to save/load the game;
  • It is possible to view statistics.

Screenshots Game


The game KFourInLine is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
DebUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian
RPMopenSUSE, Rosa Linux, Mageia, ALT Linux, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and others
SnapUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Game via Deb package

Install Game via RPM package

Install Game via Snap package

sudo snap install kfourinline

Game Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
Description version:20.12.3
Developer:The KDE project
Programming language:C++, Qt
License:GPL v2
Software website:apps.kde.org/kfourinline

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