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Monitorets is a simple utility for quickly viewing the computer resources used. Free and open source program


The Monitorets program can monitor resource usage:

  • CPU;
  • GPU (GPU monitoring is an experimental feature that may not work at all depending on your GPU vendor and drivers);
  • Memory;
  • Swap;
  • Network downlink traffic;
  • Network uplink traffic;
  • Home folder space;
  • Root space;
  • CPU, Memory and I/O pressure;
  • Temperature sensors.

  • You can choose how to organize the included resource monitors: vertical, horizontal, grid;
  • Enable/disable draw smooth graph display;
  • Enable/disable show current value;
  • Temperature unit selection (℃ / ℉);
  • You can choose the frequency of drawing graphs;
  • Support for system, light and dark themes.

Screenshots Software


The software Monitorets is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
FlatpakUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub io.github.jorchube.monitorets

Software Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:0.10.1
Developer:Jordi Chulia
Programming language:Python
License:GPL v3

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