
posted in: Office, Software, Time management | 0
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QuitCount – free and open source software that shows how much you extend your life and how much money you save by quitting smoking


Entering data:

  • date when you quit smoking;
  • how many cigarettes were smoked a day;
  • nicotine and tar content per cigarette;
  • the cost of one pack and the number of cigarettes in it.

Data in statistics:

  • how many days do you not smoke;
  • how many did not use nicotine and tar;
  • how much money did you save;
  • how much life was supposedly extended.

Screenshots Software


The software QuitCount is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
DebUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian
RPMopenSUSE, Rosa Linux, Mageia, ALT Linux, Fedora, CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and others

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via Deb package

Install Software via RPM package

Install Software via command in terminal (konsole)

sudo apt-get install quitcount

Software Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:3.1.3
Developer:Colin Leroy
Programming language:C, GTK+
License:GPL v3
Software website:quitcount.sourceforge.net

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