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screenkey is a free and open source screencast tool that allows you to display pressed keys on the screen in Linux


  • Screenkey was inspired by the Screenflick program for macOS and originally based on the key-mon project;
  • Screenkey is useful for creating screencasts, and is also a powerful learning tool;
  • It is possible to set the display time (by default – 2.5 seconds) or enable the “Persistence Window” function – the output window will always be visible, regardless of the input activity;
  • It is possible to select the physical screen/monitor used for the output window;
  • It is possible to select the position of the input window;
  • It is possible to choose a font, its size and color, as well as choose a background color and adjust its transparency;
  • It is possible to select the keyboard mode: Composed attempts to show only the final results of key composition. Dead keys and any intermediate output during composition is not shown, Translated shows the result of each keypress on the keyboard, accounting for the current keyboard locale and modifiers, but not composition. Pressing a dead key followed by a letter will show both keys, Raw shows which key caps were pressed on the keyboard, without translation, Keysyms shows the keysyms (“symbolic” names) of each pressed key as received by the server;
  • Backspace mode (controls the effect of “backspace” on the text in the output window): Normal always inserts a backspace symbol in the output window, Baked simulates the effect of backspace in the text only if the last keypress is a regular letter and no caret movement has been detected. In any other case, a backspace symbol is inserted instead, Full is similar to “baked”, but will eat through several other, less safe keys, such as tabs and returns;
  • Modifiers mode: Normal uses traditional PC names (Ctrl+A) while “Mac” uses Mac symbols directly (⌘+A). The “Emacs” mode will display Emacs-style shortened keyboard sequences (C-A);
  • Show Modifier sequences only: only show modifier/control sequences in the output window. Bare, shifted or translated letters are not shown;
  • Always show Shift and show Whitespace characters;
  • Show mouse: when enabled, the mouse buttons are shown on the left of the output window;
  • Hide duration: duration (in seconds) of the fade-out animation when a button is released. Defaults to 1 second.

Screenshots Software


The software screenkey is available for installation on Linux.

Install Sotware via Software Center (Appstream)

Install Software via RPM package

Install Software via command in terminal (konsole)

sudo apt-get install screenkey

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Spanish, French, Chinese
Description version:0.10
Developer:Yuri D’Elia and others
Programming language:Python
License:GPL v3

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