
posted in: Arcade, Games | 0
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TuxScape – mythical adventure as Tux! Inspired by the famous game Run-Escape. Free and open source game


  • All your stats are shown in the title bar. 😉 Smash presents and pots to get health drops, I would start on Zombies, Green Flies, Baby Dragons, Skulls and Whirlwinds. Check the readme on github.com/mrbid/TuxScape for more info;
  • Mouse locks when you click on the window, press ESCAPE to unlock the mouse.


  • Left Click = Attack
  • Right Click = Target Weapon / Engage Jet Pack
  • Mouse Scroll = Zoom in/out
  • W,A,S,D / Arrow Keys = Move
  • L-SHIFT / R-CTRL = Sprint/Fast
  • Space = Jet Pack
  • 1-9 = Weapon Change
  • C = Toggle between First and Third person
  • V / MOUSE4 = Toggle between sticky/toggle mouse clicks (good for afk)

Screenshots Game


The game TuxScape is available for installation on Linux.

Install Game via Snap package

sudo snap install tuxscape

Install Game via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub com.voxdsp.TuxScape

Game Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:1.2.2
Developer:James William Fletcher
Programming language:C
License:GPL v2
Software website:github.com/mrbid/TuxScape

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