Comic Sticks
Comic Sticks is a free and open source program for reading comics from the xkcd service for Linux
Office software: notes, organizers, breaks, presentations, working with documents and tables.
Comic Sticks is a free and open source program for reading comics from the xkcd service for Linux
Quilter is a free and open source software focused on writing texts
Add Hours and Minutes is a free and open source, simple calculator for adding and subtracting the time specified in hours and minutes
Break Timer is a free and open source program for reminding you to take regular breaks from work for GNOME
Master PDF Editor is a free and multi-platform, easy-to-use, but powerful and multifunctional program for working with PDF documents
ONLYOFFICE Desktop Editors – free and open source, cross-platform office suite for editing documents, tables and presentations
LibreOffice is a free and open source, multiplatform powerful office suite, which allows you to work with text, spreadsheets, presentations and others
Simple Diary is a free and open source, simple and lightweight program for keeping a diary
SpeedCrunch is a free and open source, multi-platform fast and high-precision scientific calculator controlled from the keyboard