
posted in: Audio, Audio players, Multimedia, Software | 0
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gmusicbrowser is a free and open source software for listening to audio, a music player for large collections


  • The gmusicbrowser music player is designed with large (> 10,000 songs) libraries in mind;
  • There are many types of interfaces/customizable window layouts, and you can also make the player look like: Audacious, Exaile, iTunes, Quodlibet, Rhythmbox, and Rhythmbox compact;
  • It is possible to find songs with the same names and artists;
  • You can use ratings and labels to organize your music;
  • There is a powerful search (you can search in any field using a regular expression or a fuzzy search);
  • Support for ReplayGain function (playback of audio files with uniform volume);
  • It is possible to configure the playback order: weighted random order (for example, to select songs based on their rating, labels, date added, date last played, and more);
  • Support for multiple genres and artists for each song;
  • Plugin support: Scrobbling, MPRIS (v1, v2), getting album information from the service, getting information about the performer from, karaoke, image search, rip CD, song lyrics, notifications, GNOME multimedia keys, desktop widgets, and more;
  • Very customizable SongTree widget;
  • There is an equalizer;
  • Supported formats: ogg vorbis, mp3, and flac (and OPUS/mpc/APE/M4A with GStreamer, mplayer, or mpv);
  • It is possible to select a folder with music;
  • Integration with the system tray;
  • Full-screen mode support; Support for custom keyboard shortcuts.

Screenshots Software


The software gmusicbrowser is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
PPAUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian
DebUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian
FlatpakUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via PPA repository

PPA repository for xUbuntu 12.04/14.04/16.04:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:andreas-boettger/gmusicbrowser-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gmusicbrowser

PPA repository for all versions

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gmusicbrowser.list'
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gmusicbrowser

Install Software via Deb package

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub org.gmusicbrowser.gmusicbrowser

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
Description version:1.1.16
Developer:Quentin Sculo
Programming language:Perl
License:GPL v3

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