
posted in: Find files, Software, System | 0
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KFind is a free and open source utility for searching files by name, type, and content for Linux


    • It is possible to search for files by name and location (including subfolders, case sensitive, including hidden files, and using the files index);
    • There is a search by content with a choice of file type, with a certain text content, case-sensitive, including binary files;
    • There is a search by file properties: by interval and time period, file size, belonging to a specific user or group;
    • It is possible to save the search results.

    Screenshots Software


    The software KFind is available for installation on Linux.

    Install Sotware via Software Center (Appstream)

    Install Software via RPM package

    Install Software via Flatpak package

    flatpak install flathub org.kde.kfind

    Install Software via Snap package

    sudo snap install kfind

    Software Information

    Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
    Description version:17.12.3
    Developer:The KDE project
    Programming language:C++, Qt
    License:GPL v2
    Software website:apps.kde.org/kfind

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