
posted in: Graphics, Image editing tools, Software | 0

LazPaint – free and open source, cross-platform light editor of images with multiple tools and filters


  • LazPaint is positioned as an analogue of PaintBrush and Paint.Net;
  • Support for all major file formats, including multi-layer raster images and 3D files;
  • It is possible to save/export an image/drawing to various graphic formats;
  • Print support;
  • You can zoom the image;
  • Support for undo/redo the last 200 operations/actions.

Manipulation with the image:

  • Resize image/drawing;
  • The functions of rotating clockwise/counterclockwise (90/180 degrees) and mirroring the image horizontally and vertically are available;
  • The “Resample” function is available.

Color manipulation:

  • Colorize: set the color of an image while preserving intensities;
  • Shift colors: cycle colors and change color less (saturation);
  • Intensity: make colors lighter or darker without making them white;
  • Lightness: make colors lighter or darker by making them whiter;
  • Normalize: use the whole range of each color channel and alpha channel;
  • Negative: invert colors (with gamma correction);
  • Linear negative: invert colors (without gamma correction);
  • Grayscale: converts colors to grayscale with gamma correction.

Filters. Filters can be applied to the whole image or to the active selection:

  • Radial blur: non directional blur;
  • Motion blur: directional blur;
  • Custom blur: blur according to a mask;
  • Sharpen: makes contours more acute, complementary to Smooth;
  • Smooth: softens whole image, complementary to Sharpen;
  • Median: computes the median of colors around each pixel, which softens corners;
  • Contour: draws contours on a white background (like a pencil drawing);
  • Emboss: draws contours with shadow;
  • Sphere: spherical projection;
  • Cylinder: cylinder projection;
  • Clouds: add clouds of the current pen color.

  • Drawing tools: pen, eraser, eyedropper, fill with solid color/texture/gradient, add text, warp, various selection tools, draw geometric shapes (rectangle, ellipse, polygon, curve), lines (poly lines, curves);
  • Support for scripts, including custom scripts;
  • Support for layers with basic management options;
  • There are two design themes: light and dark;
  • There is an option to show/hide toolbars;
  • Support for keyboard shortcuts.

Screenshots Software


The software LazPaint is available for installation on Linux, Windows and macOS.

Installation methodOS
DebUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via Deb package

Install Software via EXE package on Windows

Install Software via DMG package for macOS

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
Description version:7.1.6
Developer:Circular, FabienWang и Lainz
Programming language:Pascal
License:GPL v3

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