
posted in: Browsers, Internet, Software | 0
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Nyxt is a free and open source web browser that provides almost limitless possibilities for configuring and changing the behavior of any aspects of working with the browser


  • Tab support;
  • It is possible to simultaneously select different objects on the page for their use as command arguments;
  • Bookmark support with support for classification and grouping by tags;
  • It is possible to search by content, covering several tabs at once;
  • There is a tree-like interface for viewing the history of visits, allowing you to trace the history of transitions and branching;
  • Theme support;
  • There is a Nyxt Powerline status bar, through which you can quickly get any status and configuration data;
  • Support for data profiles that make it possible to isolate different types of activities, for example, work-related and entertainment-related activities can be placed in different profiles. Each profile uses its own Cookie database, which does not overlap with other profiles;
  • There is a tracking lock mode that allows you to limit the activity of various counters and widgets used to track user movement between sites;
  • By default, sandbox isolation of the web engine is enabled – each tab is processed in a separate sandbox environment;
  • There is session management;
  • Support for auto-completion of forms;
  • It is possible to load handlers, settings and modes depending on the URL mask. For example, you can configure the dark mode for the site when it is opened after 22 hours;
  • It is possible to call an external editor to edit certain fields in web forms. For example, if you need to type large text, you can call a text editor;
  • There are forced mute and WebGL modes in the selected tabs;
  • There is a mode of visual text selection using only the keyboard;
  • There is a change tracking mode (watch-mode) that allows you to automatically reload the page after a certain time;
  • There is a mode for visualizing changes between two page states;
  • It is possible to replace several pages/tabs with one summary page;
  • Support for batch downloading from links on the page;
  • It is possible to use different colors for internal and external links;
  • It is possible to sort tables on web pages by arbitrary columns.

Screenshots Software


The software Nyxt is available for installation on Linux.

Install Software via Deb package

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub engineer.atlas.Nyxt

Install Software via MacPorts for macOS

sudo port install nyxt

Software Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:2.2.3
Programming language:Lisp
License:BSD 3-Clause
Software website:nyxt.atlas.engineer

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