
posted in: Screenshot tool, Software, System | 0
Spectacle KDE logo

Spectacle – free and open source, simple software for creating screenshots from the KDE project for Linux


  • You can take a screenshot of: full-screen (all monitors), the current screen, the active window, the window under the mouse cursor, the selected arbitrary rectangular area of the screen;
  • It is possible to set a delay before the screenshot (in seconds) or to enable/disable the creation of a screenshot at the click of a mouse;
  • You can show/hide the mouse cursor in the screenshot image;
  • You can show/hide of the title bar and borders of the window;
  • It is possible to capture only the current popup window;
  • You can share a screenshot on Nextcloud, Imgur, and Twitter, as well as send it by email and send it to your device;
  • You can open the screenshot in other applications, copy it to the clipboard, save it in various formats (BPM, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and others), and print it out;
  • You can choose location where to save the screenshot, choose the format for saving screenshots, as well as configure the file name;
  • Remember last used save mode;
  • Keyboard shortcut support.

Screenshots Software


The software Spectacle is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
DebUbuntu* 16.04/18.04/19.04/20.04, Linux Mint 18/19, Debian
SnapUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via command in terminal (konsole)

sudo apt install kde-spectacle

Install Software via Deb package

Install Software via Snap package

sudo snap install spectacle

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, Spanish, French and others
Description version:17.12.3
Developer:The KDE project
Programming language:C++, Qt
License:GPL v2
Software website:apps.kde.org/en/spectacle

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