
posted in: Education software, Software | 0
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Spedread is a GTK program for speed reading. A free and open source program


  • The Spedread program will show one word at a time rapidly to allow focusing on the general idea rather than single words along with less eye movements;
  • Speed reading control: play/pause, next word and previous word;
  • You can set the required number of milliseconds to read one word;
  • You can choose the font as well as its size.

Screenshots Software


The software Spedread is available for installation on Linux.

Install Software via Snap package

sudo snap install spedread

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub com.github.Darazaki.Spedread

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Russian, Deutsch, French and others
Description version:2.4.6
Developer:Naqua Darazaki
Programming language:Vala
License:GPL v3
Software website:https://github.com/Darazaki/Spedread

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