
posted in: Graphics, Image viewers, Software | 0
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vipsdisp is a free and open source program for viewing very large images


  • It supports many scientific and technical image formats, including TIFF, WEBP, JP2K, JXL, PNG, JPEG, SVS, MRXS, OpenEXR, GIF, PDF, SVG, FITS, Matlab, NIfTI, Analyze, etc. It supports many numeric pixel types, any number of image bands, many colour spaces;
  • It has Save as, so you can use it for image format conversion. Though there’s currently no GUI for save options, sadly;
  • It doesn’t need to keep the whole image in memory. It will only read parts that it needs for display, and it understands most pyramidal image formats. This means you can open and view huge images quickly;
  • It has threaded, asynchronous image repaint, so display pixels are computed in the background by a pool of workers and tiles are rendered to the screen as they are finished. The interface stays live even under very heavy load;
  • Select Display control bar from the top-right menu and a useful set of visualization options appear. It supports four main display modes: Toilet roll (sorry), Multipage, Animated, and Pages as Bands;
  • In Toilet roll mode, a multi-page image is presented as a tall, thin strip of images. In Multipage, you see a single page at a time, with a page-select spinner (you can also use the crtl-< and ctrl-> keys to flip pages). In animated mode, pages flip automatically on a timeout. In pages-as-bands mode, many-page single-band images (eg. OME-TIFF) are presented as a single colour image;
  • You can select falsecolour and log-scale filters, useful for many scientific images. Scale and offset sliders let you adjust image brightness to see into darker areas (useful for HDR and many scientific images);
  • It uses the gtk4 GUI toolkit, so the interface is fast, attractive and nicely animated. The image is rendered with the GPU, so display ought to be fast.

Screenshots Software


The software vipsdisp is available for installation on Linux.

Installation methodOS
FlatpakUbuntu, Linux Mint, Debian, Arch Linux, Fedora, CentOS, KDE Neon, openSUSE, elementary OS, Manjaro, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

*Ubuntu (GNOME), Kubuntu (KDE), Xubuntu (XFCE), Lubuntu (LXDE)

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub org.libvips.vipsdisp

Software Information

Language Interface:English
Description version:2.3
Developer:John Cupitt
Programming language:C

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