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Whisper – program allows you to listen to microphone through speakers using Pipewire / PulseAudio. A free and open source program


  • Whisper allows you to listen to your microphone through speakers. This is useful for testing your microphone or for listening to your voice;
  • PulseAudio and Pipewire must be installed on your system for this application;
  • Pirewire is available as the default audio server on Fedora 34 and later, Ubuntu 22.04 and later;
  • You can select the desired microphone and speakers, as well as select the volume level of the microphone and speaker.

Screenshots Software


The software Whisper is available for installation on Linux.

Install Software via Flatpak package

flatpak install flathub it.mijorus.whisper

Software Information

Language Interface:English, Deutsch, French, Dutch, Turkish
Description version:1.1.6
Developer:Lorenzo Paderi
Programming language:Python
License:GPL v3
Software website:mijorus.it/projects/whisper

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