traGtor – free and open source audio and video file converter, GUI for FFmpeg
Software for working with multimedia
traGtor – free and open source audio and video file converter, GUI for FFmpeg
FreetuxTV – free and open source application for viewing and recording TV channels, listening to radio for Linux
Ace Stream is a peer-to-peer multimedia streaming protocol, built using BitTorrent technology
FreeTube is a free and open source, multi-platform, privacy-focused YouTube desktop client
Audacious is a free and open source, multi-platform, simple, lightweight and advanced music player
DeaDBeeF is a free and open source, multiple-platform modern, simple and minimalist modular audio player
Nuclear is a free and open source, multi-platform modern music player focused on streaming from free sources
Guayadeque is a free and open source software for managing large collections of music, listening to music, radio and podcasts
Musique is a free and open source, multi-platform functional and easy to use music player
Pogo is a free and open source, fast and minimalist audio player for Linux