TIPP10 is a free and open source touch typing tutor
TIPP10 is a free and open source touch typing tutor
KTouch is a free and open source typewriter trainer for learning to touch type
Klavaro is a free and open source, multi-platform program designed to teach typing on the keyboard
KGeography is a free and open source program for learning geography (map, information about regions), and you can also test your knowledge
Marble – free and open source, cross platform software that represents a virtual globe and an atlas of the world
Google Earth – free and crossplatform a virtual globe that provides geographical and cartographic information
KStars – free and open source, cross-platform virtual planetarium that shows the night sky from anywhere on our planet
Stellarium is a free and open source, multi-platform desktop planetarium, renders 3D photo-realistic skies in real time with OpenGL
Playary is a free multi-platform program for watching free movies and listening to free music and podcasts
Duplicati is a free and open source, multi-platform client-server program for creating encrypted backups for storage in the cloud/remote servers