Gedit – free and open source, simple and convenient, but powerful text editor for creating notes and programming from the GNOME project
Gedit – free and open source, simple and convenient, but powerful text editor for creating notes and programming from the GNOME project
ReText – free and open source, simple but powerful editor for Markdown and reStructuredText
Zim – free and open source, multi-platform graphical text editor for creating wiki pages
EncryptPad – free and open source, multi-platform minimalist secure text editor and tool for encrypting and decrypting binary files on disk
Zettlr – free and open source, fast and convenient, multi-platform Markdown editor for researchers in the arts and humanities
Mark Text – free and open source, simple and elegant Markdown editor focused on speed and usability
oStorybook is a free and open source tool for writing fiction: novels, novellas, short stories, and screenplays
NoteCase Pro – free and open source, cross-platform software for organizing notes