Atomic Tanks

posted in: Arcade, Games | 0

Atomic Tanks is a free and open source, multi-platform turn-based artillery strategy game, a clone of Scorched Earth


posted in: Arcade, Games | 0

IceBreaker is a free and open source, multi-platform game based on the Xonix game


posted in: Arcade, Games | 0

BrickBuster is a free and open source, multi-platform Brick Breaker game whose goal is to survive as many rounds as possible

Sonic Robo Blast 2

posted in: Arcade, Games | 0

Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a free and open source, multi platform 3D fan game of Sonic the Hedgehog, based on a modified version of Doom Legacy


posted in: Games, Strategies | 0

Slingshot is a free and open source 2D turn-based strategy simulation game set in the gravitational fields of several planets


posted in: Games, Role-playing games | 0

Veloren is a free and open source, multi-platform multiplayer voxel RPG inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress, and Minecraft


posted in: Games, Simulators | 0

X-Moto is a free and open source multiplatform 2D motocross platformer game, a 2D motorcycle trial simulator